Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2012


Typography workshop

Below I´m showing the outcomes of a little one day computer-less typography workshop.

We were encouraged to design our own typeface and to begin with our signature and an alphabet in our own handwriting as a starting point.

Based on this alphabet I drew a second one by overdrawing the characteristic trades of the letters.

The results were interestingly shaped letters of which I chose the most unusual and beautiful ones that I cut out of and clued onto coloured paper.


By this means it was possible to create interesting shapes in a playful procedure with small means and in a short period of time.

The second task of this day was to create a 3-D type-object build by the means that were offered to us such as needles, straws, pins, elastic band, sewing cotton and paper.

I chose to misuse the sewing cotton that had been applied in an example to show us in its usual, straight, taut manner. I however decided to make it fluffy and curly to give the word I write with it a soft but excited and animal like character.


It turned out to be not as easy as I thought to build the one word „like“ out of this material because when I tried to adjust at one end of it, sometimes the whole rest of the „sculpture“ was ruined.
Also it was a challenge to stick it since gluing didn´t work and pins could only hold one fibre at a time. In the end I found a way to stick the word with a system of crisscrossing needles.

Despite everything it was fun and a good way to get back to myself and my own creative instincts, far away from the sometimes idea-limiting mashine.

Type in the environment

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